I remembered some advice from our friend ROB who had worked at Home Depot. In his Carpet Training, they told them to use WINDEX to remove spots. He said he and Betsy use it, and it works great.
I thought, WOW... did the Home Depot guys discover that watching MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING?
So... I got out the trusty, blue WINDEX.. and WALLAH! SPOTS WERE GONE!
One day, in my ever so graceful ways, I dropped a pint... hear me, PINT... size container of this soy sauce based glaze from China King. It created a HUGGGGEEEEE spot on my relatively NEW carpet... about the size of a... well... I don't know... it was everywhere!
While chuckling at my poise and elegance, my hubby, with his loving and encouraging man confidence, said, "Honey, You will never get that out of the carpet."
Not to be deterred... I pulled out the Windex...(I like the Windex with Vinegar...but you can use ANY kind... even off brands.) and started spraying and blotting, spraying and blotting...
...as much as my impatience would allow... then periodically throughout the next couple of days... repeated the process.
Within a few days, there we NO TRACES left of that Soy Sauce Glaze! GONE! POOF! To be seen NO MORE!
I was so excited that it worked... even MORE elated to be able to say those words I rarely get to say to hubby (because 95% of the time he IS right...) "SEE.. .I was RIGHT! I did get it out of the carpet."
So, in the words of Gus Portokalos and Rob King: "PUT SOME WINDEX ON IT!"