I was filling up with gas on Wednesday. As I put my debit /credit card in the slot and started pumping gas, the lady at the pump beside me started using some 'colorful language'. In other words... she was cussin' up a storm!
I looked over and she said, "Did you see what happened to the price when you slid your card?"
Me: "No. I wasn't paying attention."
Cussin' Lady: "The price went up 10 cents / gallon as soon as you swiped your card."
I looked at the pump and SHE WAS RIGHT! From $3.89 to $3.99.
Cussin' Lady: "@*!*^&@#$!:<>?!!!!!%^*#$!!!!"
We both stopped pumping our gas immediately!
At this point... some uncomely thoughts started filling my head... to which I had to "capture my thoughts" and put them under submission to the LORD!
I now understood her 'way with words." I left the gas station and went to my planned destination... the Christian Book Store. As I walked in, I was greeted by 3 employees all working on a display... all smiley, in a good, Jesus loving way... "How are you?"
Feeling it was my CITIZENLY DUTY to WARN EVERYONE of this money-hungry, greed filled, aren't gas prices high enough already SCAM... I told them what had transpired.
One of the employees said he was at a CITGO earlier in the week and the same thing happened. Citgo had a itty bitty sign declaring their intentions.
The BP station where I stopped ... NO SIGN!
So... now when it is raining, snowing, you are in a hurry... be prepared to have to ENTER the gas station BEFORE you pump and take a WILD, CALCULATEDGuess as to HOW MUCH GAS will indeed be effused into your tank at $4.18.9 / gallon.... pay the attendant... THEN make sure you DO NOT GO OVER said amount. If your tank cannot hold pre-determined gallons you must THEN make your way through the rain, snow, stand in line with all the other irate customers and get MONEY BACK.
I just wanted to enlighten you and warn you to BE AWARE. I had heard on the news this might happen... and they were right.
l am now simmered down. Thanks for letting me rant and rave.
I need to be thankful that we do have a vehicle in which to drive to the gas station... and maybe this price surge will cause us to stay home a little more and enjoy our family...
And maybe we will go for more bike rides!
Tell me how you are feeling about this... and how you are striving to be thankful and positive through this tough economy...
...and ANY frugal tips you can offer for us to make our dollar stretch.
Steve and the Michigan Assemblies of God were 'blogged' byEd Stetzer... with pictures and everything!
Ed, or should I say, DR. STETZER, was the speaker for our Church Planting Service and seminar last Thursday for our Michigan District ministers. Check it out HERE! I am proud! This is quite an honor!
AND for Pastor's Wives Everywhere....
Now... why didn't I think of this!!!! ( I guess it really doesn't bother me when my hubby talks about me... because it is always with love and grace and fun. We laugh with each other... but this video is still hilarious!)
If you read my last blog about FIGHTING THE FIGHT... and you have fought and battled and done the warfare needed... and now you cry out...
Can I get a witness?!!?
Two years ago Steve was in Ethiopia for 3 weeks teaching at the seminary. While he was there, all "you know what" broke loose!
The health of our family (immediate and extended) began falling apart...
Our mailbox and a fancy flower pot (YES... it was FEBRUARY... and YES I STILL had a fancy flower pot by my house... it looked nice even without FLOWERS!!!)... they were smashed in right after he left... NOT A GOOD THING for a big CHICKEN like me who barricades every door and window when the MAN is away...
I was battling another stomach "attack"...
I had a flat tire in the middle of a snow storm on the way to Mt. Pleasant...
Had to replace all of my tires when I got there ... ( thanks to the hubby of one of my CLOSEST, ROCKIN', BFF's...Peggy... John took care of the tires... filled the gas tank... washed the car... and made sure I was safe to drive home)...
THEN my wisdom teeth abscessed...
Had to have them surgically removed...
Reacted to the Vicodin ...
Had to drink a bottle of Benedryl... then had no pain meds... can you say... OUCH???
Then part of my world came crashing in when my sweet, precious Mom had to have a lung biopsy and was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis... no cause, no cure, in man's eyes... no hope. (see bottom of post for an update).
All of this in a matter of 2.5 weeks.
I was emailing Steve in Africa... talked to him a couple of times... crying on the phone...hearing the delayed echoes of my voice through the international connection... "YOU NEED TO COME HOME!!!! ... you need to come home!!! ... EVERYTHING IS FALLING APART!!!... everything is falling apart!!!! ... I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! ... I can't take it anymore!...
He asked his students to pray for our family. One of our Ethiopian brothers said the LORD gave him this word for us ...
Exodus 14:13-15 "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." I immediately posted this verse on my mirror.
THEN, (yes you thought that was all)...Steve called me from Amsterdam on his way home and told me he had been MUGGED on the train... ( more about THAT in another post).
Two weeks later when I was in the hospital for three days with the most severe 'attack' I had ever had... after they run test after test with no diagnosis... I had no fight left. I am sure my body had just reacted to all of the stress I had gone through...or should I say...put myself through by not allowing the LORD TO FIGHT FOR ME. Lying there in the hospital bed... I had to pray that scripture over and over...
The LORD made this verse so real to me. I had to just give it all to HIM.
When we feel like we just can't fight anymore...
Do whatever you have the strength for... pray... cry... meditate on the WORD... put on worship music....Lay your fight.... or your lack of strength to do that... at HIS feet... let HIM pick it up... rest for a while... allow HIM to refresh you... regain your spunk... to be strong for you.
( BY THE WAY... my MOM has defied Doctors' Prognosis. They said "we can only hope to slow it down... you will never get better." Well... with every test... she IMPROVES by 6%! She is baffling her doubting doctor. Standing in faith. Quoting scripture. Believing in GOD'S creative power for healing. PRAISE THE LORD! HE IS FIGHTING FOR MY MOM!)