I am so excited to host my first Blog Giveaway.
Karen Hossink, over at Surviving Motherhood recently released her second book. It is a devotional for mothers. I love to read Karen's blog. Her vulnerability and insight into the WORD as it relates to being a mom speaks to my heart and encourages me in this adventure we call Motherhood.
Below is a short interview with Karen about her book. At the end of the post, find out how to win and autographed copy of Finding Joy.
How did the ministry of Irritable Mother get started?
Do you want the quick answer? That would be GOD.
The longer version is this: I always wanted to be a mom, but once I had children I found out being a mom wasn't going to be as easy as I thought. In fact, there came a time when I thought my children were "ruining" me – that I could be a nice person if it weren't for them.
In time I began to understand that when my kids are grown up, they aren't the only ones who will have changed. I discovered I am growing in this process, too. And I thought, "Maybe when I have a better understanding of this growth, I'll see if I can share about it at MOPS." [Mothers of PreSchoolers]
About two years and several thoughts later God used my mentor to finally push me over the edge and pursue that MOPS opportunity. My intention was to speak at my church, and that's all. But I made contact with some other MOPS leaders and spoke for their groups, too. I think there were seven or eight that first year.
Then came my first book, and about 40 more groups each of the next two years. And now here I am in the middle of a speaking and writing ministry – so much more than I envisioned back in the spring of 2005 – and I am loving every minute of it.
You just released a new book. Please tell us about it.
It's called Finding Joy and it is a devotional for moms. (Though my husband read my manuscript and commented, "Hey, even a guy could learn from this book." I need to hire him as my marketer!)
First God showed me I could have HOPE for the future, because He is using my children and my mothering struggles to make me into the woman He wants me to be. That's what I wrote about in my first book, Confessions of an Irritable Mother.
Now God has shown me I can have JOY in the present because He is using my hard times to reveal Himself to me. God shows up right in the middle of my struggles and speaks to my heart, and those are the stories I have written in Finding Joy.
At the end of each devotion I have written a short section called "Your Turn," in which I ask questions of the reader and offer suggestions for prayer and fellowship with God. My hope is God will use this book to help other women learn to recognize His presence in the middle of their struggles – and find joy.
What would you like readers to know about you?
I am proof that Jesus lives.
A couple months ago I did some special things for my kids and I got lots of comments on my blog about what a "great mom" I am. Those comments made me laugh, and they caused me to give praise to God.
I am a broken woman. I am selfish and self-centered. I want what I want. Period. The fact that I ever think of my children before myself, the fact that I do things for them even though those things go against what I want, can only be explained by the Truth that Jesus Christ is alive and well and at work in me – transforming me into His likeness.
More than knowing something about me, I want your readers to know Jesus is real. And how do I know Jesus is real? Because I know who I am without Him, and that woman would never be called a "great mom."
Karen Hossink, the self-proclaimed “Irritable Mother,” walks readers through her personal parenting moments, through which she discovers a deeper relationship with the Lord. God has used Hossink’s own children to transform her and reveal Himself to her more fully—now, through this devotional, she passes on insights and personal revelations to the reader. Walk with her to a place of prayerful introspection and deeper faith in Jesus Christ.
Ann Kroeker, Author
The Contemplative Mom (Shaw Books)
Another book releasing in the summer of 2009 (David C. Cook)
God continues to use and transform this "irritable mother" into a joyful servant of our Most High God. Karen Hossink blends real-life situations we all face in frustration as moms, and brings out the biblical correlation so we can see ourselves in relation to God. You will laugh and cry and be filled with uncontained emotion as you read.
Most of all, you will be blessed beyond measure by this true-blue best friend who is willing to spend priceless moments with you. Finding Joy is a MUST READ for all moms.
Julie Baker, Founder of TimeOut for Women! and Author
TimeOut for Holiness at Home (Cook Communications)
If you ever feel like being a mother is the best and the worst of all possible jobs, this is the devotional for you! In Finding Joy: More Confessions of an Irritable Mother, Karen Hossink reminds all of us to stop long enough to listen to God’s voice in the middle of frustration, interruptions, household noise, constant questions, and everyday chaos. This book will let you know you are not alone and will give you renewed hope and courage as you face the daily challenges of being a mom. Don’t miss it!
Carol Kent, Speaker and Author
When I Lay My Isaac Down (NavPress)
A New Kind of Normal (Thomas Nelson)
To win an autographed copy of this book, leave a comment telling me one way you FIND JOY in being a mom... or how your mom brings JOY to you.
Winner will be randomly chosen after 6 p.m. on Friday, December 19. Please be sure and leave your email so I can contact you.